Dr Alan Gilmer

Image for Dr Alan Gilmer

Senior Lecturer

Email: alan.gilmer@tudublin.ie

Tel: 01 220 6613

Dr Gilmer’s research interests include the general area of sustainable development, environmental management and water-climate policy, bio-resource/land-use management, eco-innovation, the green business movement, sustainable policy analysis and bio-system modelling. This work has resulted in a series of papers on sustainable policy analysis with obvious implications for ecosystem management, sustainability in business, environmental policy development and bio-resource management. The bio-resource/landscape research includes climate-biosphere-fluvial processes with simple model development and geomorphological referencing, ecosystem-water management in the landscape, river basin management and flooding processes.

Dr Gilmer’s research interests have also included sustainable policy theory and practice as it interfaces with energy, environmental modernity, environmental business management and transport and logistics, having published on the sustainability of biofuels and renewable energies and in the area of corporate environmental responsibility. These initiatives continue to provide a structure and focus for the development for Dr Gilmer’s corporate and public sustainable and environmental policy research. They also provide a guide and context for the development of sustainable knowledge and research capacity building in environmental communication, transferable skills, communication tools, e-learning technologies, governance and control and the wider agenda of deep ecology in the corporate and public sector.

View Alan'spublications on Arrow@TU Dublin: Alan Gilmer - Arrow@TU Dublin Profile

Image for Dr Alan Gilmer