Design, Technology & Innovation Showcase

Published: 9 May, 2023

TU Dublin’s first group of graduates from the new Design, Technology and Innovation Science Degree recently held a showcase of their innovative Capstone Design Projects on the Blanchardstown Campus on their last day on campus. On the same day, they gave a funding pitch on their products to judges Colm O’Maolmhuire, Enterprise Manager, LINC, Michelle Looby, Engineering Lecturer, Bairbre Brennan, Business Lecturer and Sreenath Munukuru Snr Software Development Manager, QStream, prior to the showcase.

The Projects on display were Alertent: Anti Tent Theft Device, Obstacle Avoidance Device, Concussion Monitoring Device for Sport, LifeBulb: Light-up Schoolbag patch using Photosensor, Renew Fashion: Sustainable Clothing Platform, Ob’ihuan: Virtual Instrument, Safecell: Phone Lockbox for Vechiles and Mind Bend BT: Activity tracker and app display.

A great event bringing industry, academics, students and campuses together in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.