Red Hat Design Thinking Workshop

Published: 11 Mar, 2024

The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in TU Dublin was delighted to host  a Red Hat 'design thinking' team to TU Dublin, Grangegorman on Monday 4th March, to lead an interactive workshop with our 2nd year Electrical and Electronic Engineering and 4th year Networking Applications & Services BSc. students. Over the course of this workshop the students had an opportunity to work in mixed teams on a sustainability themed, customer facing case study to familiarise themselves with the design thinking methodology and tools including the use of empathy maps, journey maps, diverge and converge techniques & low fidelity prototyping. All of this was done through the use of the Miro software platform. 

The engagement from the students was fantastic with the cross disciplinary teams working very well together to produce innovative solutions. The feedback from the participants, captured in a post workshop survey, was overwhelmingly positive and could be summed up with one student comment Yes, the workshop with the RedHat organization was incredibly inspiring and provided me with new ideas and perspectives. Collaborating with new team members encouraged a dynamic exchange of thoughts and approaches, ultimately enhancing my understanding of the problem at hand. 

Many thanks to the 'Red Hatters' - Jamie Hackett, Ivan Jennings, Eoin Gallinagh, Ahmed Gaber & Jameel Briones, and to Paula Kelly and Dr. Lejla Rovcanin for organising the event who look forward to continuing to work with Red Hat on such initiatives and research opportunities in the future.