School hosts primary school events for Mathsweek

Published: 17 Oct, 2022

The week starting 15 October 2022 marked the annual, National Mathsweek celebrations. The School of Mathematics & Statistics maintained its close association with Mathsweek by hosting events for primary school children in TU Dublin.

Mathsweek is a national celebration of all things mathematics and mathematical, coinciding with the anniversary of Hamilton's discovery of quaternions in 1843.  Mathematics is everywhere and Mathsweek encourages everyone to explore maths in a fun and entertaining way, perhaps seeing mathematics in a new way for the first time and appreciating its incredible power, beauty, and importance for the modern world.  Each year there are events across the country with almost 500,000 registered participants.

The School of Mathematics & Statistics has been a long-time supporter of Mathsweek and 2022 was no different, seeing the return to full-scale events on the TU Dublin campus.  This year, the School hosted events for school children on Monday 17 October and Wednesday 19 October.  The children were kept captivated by games and activities organised by the School Mathematics Engagement Coordinator, Aisling McGlinchey, assisted by staff of the University.  Entertainment was provided by two guest speakers: Kjartan Poskitt, author of the best-selling Murderous Maths series of books; and mathematical showman, Steve Sherman. 

TU Dublin was pleased to host classes from St Joseph’s C.B.S. (Fairview), Mount Carmel Secondary School (Kings Inn Street), O'Connell School (North Richmond Street), and C.B.S. Westland Row.

Following the turmoil of recent years, it was a delight to welcome visitors back in person to these events and to witness first hand the fun and enjoyment of all those that participated.