Performance Management & Development System (PMDS)
PMDS provides an opportunity to create and deliver on a shared vision for the University with the engagement of all staff. It is an opportunity for managers and staff to work together to clarify the University’s strategic objectives and the team development plan and to identify the role each staff member plays in delivering these objectives.
PMDS also supports staff and managers to work together to review the staff member’s achievements against previously agreed goals and objectives. It is an important opportunity for managers to acknowledge past achievements and successes, to identify areas where staff members need support, and to agree goals and a training and development plan for the coming year.
PDP Self Assesment Form 2024 - Word Version
PDP Self Assesment Form 2024 - PDF Version
Training for Managers:
People Development provides training and support for reviewing managers to understand the PMDS process and how to facilitate the Performance Development Plan (PDP) meeting. More details are available here.
Training for Staff:
Training is also provided for staff to support them to prepare for their PDP meeting to ensure they understand the process and can accurately identify their past achievements and future training and development needs. More details available here.
Performance Management Development System Policy HRP023
Performance Management Development System Procedures HRP023