Managing Occupational Safety & Health-OSH

Duration: 3.5 Hours

Facilitator: Liz Doyle Fleming BSc OSH Management, CMIOSH, MIES, Ibec Management Training


  • To update TU Dublin Management on current occupational safety, health (OSH) & wellbeing legislation and topics relevant to their statutory roles and responsibilities;
  • To explore and discuss methods of effective management of OSH.  
  • To facilitate group discussions on OSH topics relevant to Directorates and Colleges in TU Dublin City Campus.
  • That each participant identifies their statutory role and responsibilities in managing OSH and devises related action plans in the achievement of stated TU Dublin OSH objectives.
  • To complete an individual Health & Safety Action Plan.

Workshop Outline:

OSH is evolving from the traditional focus on the ‘physical’ aspects of safety in the workplace to encompassing ‘health’ in an era where ‘wellbeing’ is coming to the fore.

Some traditional challenges remain, some are new, all require to be taken account of as an integral part of doing business today and to be managed like any other part of TU Dublin business.

The Safety, Health & Wellbeing Workshops will focus on the identification, management and control measures of the typical hazards and respective risks that TU Dublin, Ireland’s first Technological University, ‘where academic excellence in science, the arts, business, engineering and technology converge to create the leaders of tomorrow’ experience. Where those ‘leaders in waiting’ as students, witness and experience leadership on a daily basis at a most basic level in their surroundings, systems, communications and facilities. In essence an added value to attending TU Dublin.  

Topics include:

OSH Leadership

  • OSH Leadership/Management: Knowing the Roles & Responsibilities
  • Lagging versus Leading Models of OSH Leadership
  • Proactive versus Reactive OSH Interventions and Strategies
  • Implementation and Operation: Measuring, Auditing & Reviewing OSH performance
  • Employees OSH Duties
  • Students: Duties related to OSH
  • Contractors/3rd Parties:  Duties related to OSH
  • Understanding Legal Compliance
  • Taking Collective Responsibility for OSH
  • Creating a Positive OSH culture

Risk Assessment (TU Dublin Risk Assessment Templates)

  • Responsibility for Conducting/Reviewing Risk Assessments - Key Points,
  • Identification of Hazards under 6 Categories (Chemical, Biological, Physical, Health, Psychosocial, Ergonomic)
  • Assessment of potential Risks of injuries, ill-health, loss, associated with the hazards identified applicable to TU Dublin City Campus.
  • TU Dublin Safety StatementUpdating, reviewing, additions. Health & Safety Authority Inspections/Investigations.
  • Evaluation of Risk Control Measures both existing and suggested additional measures where warranted
  • Psychosocial Risk Assessment specific issues

 TU Dublin OSH Key Systems overview

  • TU Dublin website– OSH Resource
  • TU Dublin OSH Policies and related documents/templates (accident/dangerous occurrence, emergency procedures, consultation, working groups)
  • TU Dublin OSH Safe Work Procedures
  • TU Dublin Emergency Policy and Plan
  • OSH Case Law (integrated throughout relevant topics)

OSH Guidance/References


To book this course, click here.