SafeTalk-Suicide Awareness Training

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TU Dublin, in partnership with the HSE, is hosting this safeTALK suicide alertness training Programme


Duration: Half day

Course Facilitors: Catherine Bolger and Scott Ahearn, Registered safeTALK and ASIST Trainers with Living Works/Connect For Life, Councilling Service City Campus

Target audience:

This training is suitable for everyone over 18 years, especially staff working directly with students e.g. lecturing staff and support staff.

Learning Ouctomes:

To increase the ability to promote the immediate safety of someone who may be at risk of suicide and provide links to further help.

Course Objectives:

SafeTALK is a training programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. These specific skills are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the person learning them will use them to help reduce suicide risk in their communities. Following a safeTALK workshop you will be more willing and able to perform an important helping role for persons with thoughts of suicide.

How does SafeTalk help prevent suicide?

SafeTALK suicide alert helpers are trained to:

  • Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid signs of suicide
  • Identify people who have thoughts of suicide
  • Apply the TALK steps to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to people and agencies that can help