hands on top of each other

The Post-Award office is a one-stop shop for all you need to know about project set-up and live project management. If a funding application is successful, the team help you to set the project up on the various platforms in TU Dublin in collaboration with their colleagues in HR and Finance. and the TTO.  

A kick-off meeting is organised with researchers who have been awarded large grants and this meeting is attended by HR, Finance and Technology Transfer Office, to help with recruitment, final budgeting and IP issues. Post-award help with the following: 

  • Manage the completion of official documentation for funders, such as Letters of Offer;
  • Organise reviews of and official signatures for contracts and Consortium Agreements;
  • Help collate the information that Research Finance needs to set your project up on TU Dublin's finance platform;  
  • Provide guidance on researcher recruitment (managed by HR) and linking your research project to CORE (managed by Payroll);
  • Provide guidance on making large purchases or setting up consortium partners as suppliers (managed by Procurement).

Post-award can be contacted at postaward@tudublin.ie  TU Dublin Staff can find out more on the Intranet here............


Name: Key roles
Aideen O'Byrne

Post-Award lead.
Overall post-award management; organising kick-off meetings; supporting live projects.

Caroline McGowan Research Support Management Officer
Nwabuogo Enwerem

Research Support Management Officer

Kristine O'Brien Supporting new project set ups and live projects; attending kick-off meetings.
Catherine Woodhouse Supporting new project set ups and live projects; attending kick-off meetings.

The Graduate Research School manages graduate student registrations and all stages of a graduate student's structured programme. 

The Research Finance office sets projects up on TU Dublin's finance system, manages all finance transactions and claims and provides financial information and budgeting advice to researchers.