Our Student Voice

These resources for students are designed for you - a student in TU Dublin - to help you to develop the knowledge and skills required to effectively engage with the Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement processes of TU Dublin.

While the focus of many of these episodes is on the knowledge and skills required to be an effective class representative, all students will find the episodes of value.

Each of the 13 episodes is designed to be engaging and accessible for you, and will take you approximately 30 minutes to review. All episodes commence with an interactive video that will help you understand the theme for the episode.

You are invited to review these episodes and complete the related learning activities at your own pace. Should you wish to receive recognition for having completed these episodes and for having effectively engaged with TU Dublin's Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement processes, you can apply for a Digital Badge.

We hope you enjoy these episodes. Remember, You are Our Student Voice.
