Sports Facilities

We offer discounted rates for students and staff of TU Dublin. There are a variety of memberships and pay as you go options available. Why not try a free trial of our facilities? Memberships includes access to the gym facilities on each campus, fitness classes and personalised fitness programmes.

Check out our prices below. For more information email

To avail of a discounted rate, a valid student, staff and graduate ID card is required. Register with your student and staff email addresses on the app IOS or Android.


Student Memberships

PAYG 1 Month 3 Month Academic Annual Bundle
€3 €20 €50 €65 €99 €20
Gym/Class Unlimited Unlimited Sept - May 12 Months 10 Sessions

*Please note for annual memberships summer hours will be reduced*

Staff Memberships

PAYG 1 Month 3 Month Academic Annual Bundle
€4 €25 €65 €99 €150 €30
Gym/Class Unlimited Unlimited Sept - May 12 Months 10 Sessions

*Please note for annual memberships operating hours will be reduced during the summer months*

Graduate Memberships

PAYG 1 Month 3 Month Bundle
€5 €35 €75 €40
Gym/Class Unlimited Unlimited 10 Sessions