Students sitting and chatting indoors on campus

Your Spare Room: Their New Home

Transform a Spare Room into a Place for Learning and Growth 


Welcome to our campaign, where your generosity can turn a spare room into a lifeline for a TU Dublin student. Our students are facing unprecedented challenges in finding affordable accommodation, we are inviting the TU Dublin community to come together to offer a solution - one room at a time. 

Why It Matters 

The search for safe and affordable housing has pushed our students into difficult situations - from long commutes to inadequate living conditions. By offering a room, you are not just providing a place to stay; you are offering a secure environment for TU Dublin students to study, rest, and excel. 

Your involvement can significantly ease the accommodation crisis and make a profound difference in a student's life. Participating in this campaign is more than a gesture of goodwill; it's an investment in the future.

How You Can Help 

Become a Host: If you have a spare room and are willing to make a difference, please consider signing up as a StudentPad host. Your contribution could be the turning point in a student's life. 

Spread the Word: Even if you are unable to host, you can still play a crucial role. Share this initiative within your network. Sometimes, a simple share can lead to great outcomes.  

Accommodation Flexibility

In response to the diverse needs of our students, resident in Ireland and coming from abroad, there is a pressing demand for more 7-day accommodation options. Simultaneously, some students may require accommodation for less than 5 nights a week, this might align well with potential hosts looking for more flexible arrangements. To accommodate these varied needs and preferences, we are introducing shorter stay options on StudentPad. 

Rent Caps Policy

In our commitment to making student accommodation affordable for students and rewarding for our hosts/landlords, we have introduced a Rent Caps policy. The policy sets maximum monthly room rates, striking a balance between ensuring affordability for our students and providing fair compensation for hosts and landlords. This policy is part of our ongoing efforts to create a supportive, accessible accommodation environment for everyone involved.

Connecting Hosts and Students Through StudentPad

For seamless host-student connections, we utilise StudentPad, advertising platform where hosts can advertise free of charge to TU Dublin students. Our Student Accommodation team is eager to support you throughout, from profile setup on StudentPad to space advertising, available via phone, email, face-to-face, or online meetings. 

Contact us at: E: T: +353 1 220 5600 

Benefits to Hosts and Students

Hosts enjoy tax benefits under the Rent a Room Relief scheme, with earnings up to €14,000 tax-free.  

Hosting students offers significant benefits beyond financial gains, including forming strong, lasting relationships, enjoying companionship, and an added sense of security for those living alone. This unique exchange enriches lives on both sides - hosts experience the vibrancy students bring, while students benefit from a stable and warm environment. This arrangement strengthens community ties and allows hosts to positively impact students' lives, alongside the benefit of additional income. 

Host Benefits

  • Extra income to support savings or investments. 
  • Opportunity to form lasting friendships and cultural exchanges. 
  • Vibrancy and energy that students bring to the household. 
  • Sharing skills and learning from each other. 
  • Companionship reduces feelings of loneliness. 
  • Sense of security with someone else in the home. 
  • Sharing life experiences and wisdom with younger generations. 
  • Financial benefits from utilising spare rooms. 
  • Flexible hosting options that don't disrupt weekend family routines. 
  • Opportunity for children to learn about diverse cultures and languages.