SPSS Statistics

Learn how to install SPSS Statistics on your device

SPSS Statistics, is designed to solve research problems through ad hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, geospatial analysis and predictive analytics. Organizations use SPSS Statistics to understand data, analyze trends, forecast and plan to validate assumptions, and drive accurate conclusions.SPSS is available in windows, mac and linux.

To successfully download this software you will need to be logged in with your @mytudublin.ie student or @tudublin.ie staff account.

Some browser settings store either your personal email or your work email and automatically log you back into your previous browser session. It is important to check which browser user account you are logged in as.To ensure your account logs in as the @mytudublin account if a student and @tudublin.ie account if a staff member, a simple method is to log in as incognito mode.Open up google chrome and press ctrl + shift + n

To get SPSS please complete the application form in our self service portal and you will be emailed a link to download the software with the licence code for this term.

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We are currently busy working on this installation guide.

Contact us for download and installation advice via our service desk page.

SPSS Modeler is a data mining and text analytics software application from IBM. It is used to build predictive models and conduct other analytic tasks. It has a visual interface which allows users to leverage statistical and data mining algorithms without programming.

To succesfully download this software you will need to be logged in with your @mytudublin.ie student or @tudublin.ie staff account.

Some browser settings store either your personal email or your work email and automatically log you back into your previous browser session. It is important to check which browser user account you are logged in as.To ensure your account logs in as the @mytudublin account if a student and @tudublin.ie account if a staff member, a simple method is to log in as incognito mode.Open up google chrome and press ctrl + shift + n

To get SPSS Modeler please complete this online form 

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