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Extenuating Circumstances

Completed Extenuating Circumstances Forms, with accompanying Professional Opinion Form should be downloaded here, completed and emailed to Academic Affairs using our dedicated mailbox: 

Note: An EC Form is used to inform an academic decision regarding assessments. It is not used for the calculation of fees. 

Extenuating Circumstances Form - Word

Extenuating Circumstances Form - pdf

Professional Opinion Form (Word)

Professional Opinion Form (pdf)

extract, Assessment Regulations (Part 1) as approved by Academic Council 28.06.23  



1.6 Based on the recommendation of the Head of Discipline, the Assessment Board may take such action as it sees fit. While there may be an acceptance that extenuating circumstances have resulted in poor performance in assessments, the Assessment Board will require the student to achieve the learning outcomes for a module and hence the extenuating circumstances should not be used to adjust mark/grade. The Assessment Board may make one of the following decisions:  

a) Student may re-take the assessment at the next available sitting (or subsequently) as a first attempt. 

b) Student is permitted to retain the current award classification, as per the approved programme document, in accordance with the University’s applicable Assessment Regulations. 

c) Student may be permitted to carry the module to the next academic year as per the approved programme document, in accordance with the University’s applicable Assessment Regulations. 

d) An alternative assessment be provided to the student.