These CPDs in learning and teaching offer a range of opportunities for you to engage with existing and new areas of practice in-depth. We will draw on leading edge research and practice, and the CPDs are offered in flexible delivery modes with a high degree of interaction and dialogue between lecturers and participants. Most of the modules carry 5 ECTS credits, and take place over a five-six week period. However, some have alternative modes of delivery suited to the topic with shorter weekly sessions over a longer number of weeks, or fewer sessions which take a tutorial format and support independent learning by participants. Summary details are provided here, and further information is available on request. 


TU Dublin Staff Fee Waiver: If you are a current TU Dublin staff member i.e. with current staff number, you may be eligible for a TU Dublin Staff Fee Waiver. Please read the TU Dublin Fee Waiver Policy and complete the associated Fee Waiver Application Form if applicable. This form must be completed before registration is completed. A condition of registration is evidence of fees paid or a TU Dublin staff fee waiver.

If you have any queries relating to applications and associated registration, please contact Learning, Teaching and Assessment by email:

CPD Application and Fee Information:

  • The following modules are being offered by the LTTC as stand alone postgraduate continuing professional development (CPD) short modules. They are designed for colleagues engaged in teaching and supporting learning.
  • Credits from these modules can contribute towards our Postgraduate Programmes. Progression routes can be advised on contacting the team.
  • Please note, only TU Dublin staff (with a staff number) are eligible to apply and the application form and fee details are provided at the end of this page.
  • TU Dublin Staff Fee Waiver: If you are a current TU Dublin staff member i.e. with current staff number, you may be eligible for a TU Dublin Staff Fee Waiver. Please read the TU Dublin Fee Waiver Policy and complete the associated Fee Waiver Application Form‌ if applicable. This form must be completed before registration is completed. A condition of registration is evidence of fees paid or a TU Dublin staff fee waiver.
  • A very limited number of places may be available for TU Dublin postgraduate students on specific modules but the application process is through the Graduate Research School. If you are undertaking a PhD in educational research and want to enquire about places available on some of our modules, please contact

To Apply:

Please check the details of current CPD modules offered on our webpages.

Then, please complete the online application form at least one week prior to module commencement: Online CPD Application Form

Code for CPD: LLTM1004  5 ECTS

Number of sessions: Module is for five weeks with one workshop each week (Tuesday morning). 

Starts 17th September 2024 (min numbers required)


This module provides an introduction to curriculum design specifically for practitioners in higher education. Curriculum is a term that can be loosely defined in post-compulsory education: it may be assumed to mean syllabus, module, programme or even as being inclusive of the full undergraduate experience within and beyond the programme of study. Practitioners often have little time to reflect on the meaning of curriculum within their disciplines, and whether a shared definition of curriculum exists amongst their programme teams. This module offers those opportunities to reflect, and in turn how to choose from and use effectively a range of models and frameworks to support the design of programmes for our learners. The aim is to facilitate participants to take a competent and proactive role in the development of high quality curricula in their own higher education contexts. The overall aim of this module is to facilitate participants to take a competent and proactive role in the development of high quality curricula in their own higher education contexts.

Weekly workshops will include input and discussion of the key themes of this module, with suggested readings and additional learning to be undertaken independently. An important element of the workshops will be structured small group exercises designed to model the work undertaken by programme teams in reviewing and rewriting their own programmes. Participants will be encouraged to make links between theory and practice and to develop their own perspectives and actions emerging from reflecting on their practice. Online activities will be included, along with reflective writing tasks and structured design activities.


Design/Redesign of a Module using a standard format: participants will be asked to design or redesign a module from a programme in which they are teaching and submit a revised module descriptor.

Reflective Commentary: participants will be asked to write a reflective commentary of approximately 2500 words about the design decisions they have made for the (re)designed module. A guiding structure is provided for this commentary. The commentary will make appropriate reference to the educational research literature and resources consulted during the module.

Code for CPD: LTTC9005   5 ECTS

Number of sessions: Module is for five weeks with one two-hour workshop each week (Tuesday). 

Starts 22nd October 2024 (min numbers required)

This practice based module aims to provide a conceptual framework and practical strategies for staff interested in exploring new assessment and feedback methods within their teaching. Drawing upon relevant theory and module content, participants will develop skills to enable them to reflect upon their current assessment and feedback practice and to undertake a module assessment strategy redesign.

How will I learn?

The module will combine a series of structured participative face to face sessions combining case studies, assessment and feedback exchange sessions, practice-based activities and opportunities to discuss key issues with various key stakeholder groups. Participants will be asked to work with their module redesign project as they progress through the module.

How will I be assessed?    

The module is assessed in three parts: A Reflective Portfolio, Individual case study. a 1,000-1500-word paper comprising either a critical evaluation of the assessment procedures of a module/programme they have recently been involved in teaching or a redesign for changes to the assessment and feedback of a module/programme

Are there any pre-requisites? No specific pre-requisites but participants will be expected to have a module/ short course with which to work with during the module.       

Code for CPD:  LTTC9140   ECTS: 5

Number of sessions: Module is for five weeks with one workshop each week (Tuesday morning). All sessions are online.

Starts 3rd December 2024 (min numbers required)

When: This is a fully online module. Runs Tuesday mornings.

Module Overview:
TELTA is an award winning* fully online module designed to give participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in existing and emerging learning technologies. In contrast to most continuing professional development modules which have a set of pre-defined learning outcomes, when designing this module we have taken a unique approach where we ask participants to set their own personal learning objectives (PLOs) at the outset of the module. This enables participants to reflect on the weekly topics from their own professional perspectives. This approach will also give participants the opportunity to develop their personal learning networks as they discuss meaningfully, with like-minded peers, how technologies could be utilised to enhance learning, teaching and assessment experiences. This module is aimed at all participants involved in teaching and learning from both public and private sectors.

*Winners of the eLearning category of the International eLearning Awards in 2015.

How will I learn?
As many of the webinars are integrated with the continuous assessments, participants are required to attend, and engage in, all webinars (except in extenuating circumstances). These webinars introduce and explore relevant topics and will be supported by a variety of teaching methods including group work, student-led discussions, reflective writing, and self- and peer evaluation. Participants will also be expected to engage heavily in independent learning activities such as preparatory and follow-up reading for online discussions, as well as background work in preparation for some of the online group activities.

Throughout the module, the course tutors will be actively involved in contributing to, and moderating, discussion boards, and in providing support, advice and guidance to participants. We encourage all participants to post issues or questions (both technical and non-technical) to the discussion boards where they can be guaranteed a prompt response: however tutors can also be contacted directly via email and we will endeavor to reply to all queries within 24 hours.

How will you be assessed?
This module will be formally assessed at Level 9 on the National Framework for Qualifications (5 ECTS): module credits can also contribute towards the MSc in Education.
The module is assessed via a series of short continuous assessments, which are undertaken as part of weekly activities, and a capstone assessment which is submitted at the end of the module.
As part of the weekly assessments you will be required to engage in a variety of tasks, some of which are collaborative and others completed on an individual basis. Peer learning and evaluation is a key component throughout.
The final capstone assessment comprises two elements:

(1) You will be required to create a 2-3 minute multimedia presentation in which you apply what you have learned to a module/project that you are involved with in either a development or teaching capacity. Within this presentation, you must indicate where, why and how technologies could be integrated within your chosen module so as to enhance the learning and/or assessment experience of your students or end user. The presentation must be scholarly, reflective and critical, supported with references to relevant literature. You can select any technology of your choice for this presentation.

(2) You must also submit a 600 word scholarly, reflective and critical piece, supported with references to relevant literature, which re-examines your Personal Learning Objectives (as set in your Learning Contract) in light of what you feel you have achieved during the module.

Both aspects of the capstone assessment – and all continuous assessments – must be passed in order to achieve the 5 ECTS credits.

Code for CPD: LTTC 9003   5 ECTS

Number of sessions: Module is for five weeks with one workshop each week (Tuesday morning). 

Starts 4th February 2025 (min numbers required)

Aim: This module aims to enable participants to develop an analytical appreciation of the concepts and techniques essential to creative and critical thinking, problem resolution and idea generation which can be implemented into teaching and learning strategies in their own practice.

How will I learn?
This module is an activity driven module and will be delivered through a blend of learning and teaching methods. Face-to-face workshops will include input and information on the workshop topic with structured small group discussion and activities. Creative approaches will also be used such as role-play, problem-solving exercises, video, and audio, amongst others.

How will I be assessed?   The module will be assessed through a Group assessment comprising an infographic resource on either creativity or critical thinking for learning. Various types of multimedia can be used to develop the resource and an Individual contribution sheet detailing with evidence each participant’s contribution to the group process and product.

Are there any pre-requisites? No specific pre-requisites but an interest in developing creativity and critical thinking within your teaching.

Code for CPD: LTTC9132 5 ECTS

Number of sessions: Module is for five weeks with one workshop each week (Tuesday morning). 

Starts 4th February 2025 (min numbers required)


Designing and facilitating learning in post-compulsory settings in the 21st century calls on the educator to have a deep understanding of how people learn in face-to-face and online learning spaces. The aim of this module is to explore learning theories in higher education and professional contexts, inclusive of e-learning, to assure the quality of learning in a local and global context. We explore how key learning theories can be applied in instructional practices, and which approaches are most likely to be effective.

This module is all about sharing ideas on learning to help you as an instructor make sense of what is going on in your classrooms and provide lenses for understanding students’ growth, development, stumbling blocks, and successes. In this module, we focus on the integration of theory with practice and explore the ways in which different people learn in higher education and professional contexts. We look at the key principles emerging from learning theories over the past century, and how these have been developed further in professional learning, and in online learning, over the past number of decades.


  • Individual Applied Paper critically discussing and evaluating relevant learning theories in the light of the participant’s own professional practice (1500-2000 words).
  • Educational Philosophy Statement (750-1000 words) addressing your response to learning theories and articulating your own values and goals as an educator.

Code for CPD: LLTM1003  5 ECTS

Number of sessions: Module is for five weeks with one workshop each week (Tuesday morning). 

Starts 18th Mar 2025 (min numbers required)


Universal design is a philosophy which guides designers to consider all users when designing any product or service, and to provide all users with identical use whenever possible, or at the very least equal use. In the education domain Universal Design for Learning (also known as Universal Design for Education) focuses on the design and development of learning materials and learning activities in such a way that there are multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression and multiple means of engagement. This CPD introduces these key concepts and participants explore ways to apply the principles of Universal Design for Learning in their own learning, teaching and assessment practices.

The history of education has seen technologies (from low-tech, to medium-tech, to hi-tech) that provide a steadily increasing number of learners with new opportunities for understanding and innovating. Online technologies and smartphones are blurring the cultural, political and social barriers that have existed heretofore, allowing people to understand issues from a global perspective and are at the same time redefining knowledge as an increasingly relativistic concept. During this module we will examine design from the perspective of the user at the extremes of human ability (rather than the average), provide participants with the knowledge and skills to produce universal design and development of educational content, and critically assess designs, regulations, legislation and standards for their adherence to the principles and philosophy of universal design.


There are three components to assessment in this module:

  • Individual weekly formative tasks.
  • One structured group activity design a resource, teaching event or other output (to be discussed with tutors) reflective of Universal Design for Learning principles.
  • Individual capstone reflection (750-1000 words) on learning from the module inclusive of action plan related to own discipline/professional context.

Code for CPD: LTTC9008 5 ECTS

Number of Sessions: Module is for five weeks with one workshop each week (Tuesday morning).

Starts 18th March 2025 (min numbers required)


This CPD module will be relevant specifically to people teaching undergraduate students and supporting them in completion of a final year dissertation or project. The quality of supervision is the most important element of the undergraduate dissertation process, and we all want to support our students as effectively as possible. We examine the nature, dimensions and key issues of research supervision with a focus on learning, research and communication processes. Literature review and case studies inform the approaches discussed, and peers’ shared experience form a vital additional component of this module. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their existing strategies to enhance them further by drawing on examples from shared practice and literature. All classes are research-informed, and will use new ideas, discussion, and interactive activities, as well as sharing peers’ experience and good practice in effective undergraduate supervision across the disciplines.


The module will be assessed by the design and development of a multimedia resource to support the participant’s own supervisory practice – this will be negotiated with the module tutors. 

To accompany this, each participant will be required to write a reflective commentary drawing on the literature reviewed during the module.

Code for CPD: LTTC5803  5 ECTS

Number of sessions: Module is for five weeks with one workshop each week (Tuesday morning). 

Starts 6th May 2025 (min numbers required)


In this CPD module, we will look at the planning, design and development of digital resources and e-learning activities for people learning online. Participants will gain competence in these areas and design a small-scale resource in teams. The aim is to allow students to apply, in a practical manner, relevant learning and instructional design theories to the creation of e-learning materials. Participants will develop an understanding of the design, development, application and evaluation issues relating to e-learning materials. Participants will actively engage with peers in designing and developing the learning resource/activity working together as a team.

Participants will be expected to work as a group to design and develop an e-learning resource/activity that can be used as a tool for learning. This e-learning resource/activity will show evidence of careful planning and rationale via a storyboard. The resource created should adhere to standards of usability and accessibility. Participants will also be asked to reflect critically on their learning, to demonstrate and justify their understanding of the theories of learning and instructional design; and select appropriate tools to create resources/activities that are technically sound and educationally effective. Evidence of research and theoretical underpinnings for this project will need to be provided.


  • From Group Work the assessment submission will include: (1) storyboard (design plan), (2) a small scale e-learning resource/activity.
  • From Group Work it is a requirement that an oral presentation of the project be made to peers and tutors in the final week of the module for formative feedback.
  • Individually, each participant will submit a 1000 word reflection on the design process, informed by literature and theories relevant to instructional design.

Code for CPD: LTTC9133 10 ECTS

Aim: The broad aim of the module is to provide participants with an overview of key policies and policy frameworks of current relevance to the Higher Education sector. These will be explored within the context of the knowledge economy, globalisation, massification of education and the resultant increasing diversity of the student population.

What will I learn?  Upon successful completion of this module, participants should be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of contemporary Higher Education policy issues in both national and international contexts
  • elaborate a personal perspective on a selected range of Higher Education policy issues
  • critically apply an understanding of policy issues to their own context.

How will I learn?
Guest presentations, bringing local case studies within an international perspective, are integral within this module. Key themes will be developed through structured class and online discussions. These will provide participants with an opportunity to draw on and extend their own knowledge around key strategies of relevance to their own working context. Participants will be responsible for engaging in independent reading in order to consolidate and expand on their understanding of module topics.

Indicative Topics:

  • Introduction to HE Policy within a local, national and international context: Current trends / debates
  • Relationships between institutions and external communities: civic, corporate and institutional partnerships
  • International HE Policy: current trends in the research agenda and the impact of policy upon economic growth
  • National Quality Assurance frameworks within an international context: Current roles, responsibilities and challenges
  • Research on Research: An overview of national policy issues regarding transition into HE: Using research to inform DIT policies and practice
  • Department of Education, policy formulation process – identifying priorities – budgetary process

How will I be assessed? The module will be assessed by one written assignment of circa 3,500 words in length on a relevant topic to be negotiated with the tutors. This paper will be expected to select a policy of relevance to their working context, and by consideration of this policy within relevant literature, how this policy relates to and can help inform or influence their current working practice.

Are there any pre-requisites? No specific pre-requisites but CPD would be of most interest to those working within a Higher Education context.

Code for CPD: LTTC9134  10 ECTS

Number of Sessions: Four tutorials with two optional ‘clinics’. Module takes place over one semester.


In this CPD module, participants will be supported to prepare and present a written academic paper suitable for publication in a selected area of practice. The module explores samples of academic writing with a view to analysing the linguistic, stylistic and contextual features which characterise these texts and provides practice in the writing of various academic texts. Participants will be given the opportunity to become more confident and discerning users of information and to become equipped with the necessary skills to locate, evaluate and use information effectively; and to become critical thinkers, creators and users of information.

A range of teaching and learning methods, along with a range of relevant learning technologies will be used (e.g. online discussion boards, audio feedback). Tutorials will provide an introduction to the key topics of the module and these will be supported by structured class discussions. Face-to-face and online class discussion: Class discussion will be driven and supported by appropriate academic literature and will allow for ideas and issues to be clarified. These discussions will enable students to draw on their own knowledge of the writing and research process and they will be encouraged to evaluate different conferences and journals in the field of third level learning and teaching.


There are two parts to this assessment and each must be passed:

  • Assignment 1: A journal paper of circa 4000-6000 words in length on a relevant topic to be negotiated with the tutor(s) and for a target journal of the participant’s own choosing
  • Assignment 2: A presentation on this work at a graduate conference. Details on purpose, structure and length of presentation will be provided.