Learning, Teaching & Assessment

Jen Harvey

Image for Jen

Assistant Head, Academic Affairs - Learning, Teaching & Assessment

Email: lta@tudublin.ie

Tel: +353 1 220 6305

Jen originally graduated from Aberdeen University with a BSc in Zoology. Having worked in Industry for five years, she completed a part-time MPhil in Immunology with Edinburgh University prior to taking up a teaching role in Napier University. This was followed by a Dip.Ed.Tech with Abertay University and a PhD in Science Education in collaboration with Glasgow University. Since moving to Ireland, she has held a number of roles In Dublin Institute of Technology and been involved in a range of International, National and Institutional education innovation projects, committees and steering groups, before becoming the Head of the DIT LTTC in 2009.

As Assistant Head of Academic Affairs (Learning, Teaching and Assessment) in TU Dublin, she has responsibility for managing and coordinating academic development and learning, teaching and assessment support activities across the University, as well as education innovation and development projects and initiatives that will inform the University Education Model, the Quality Framework, academic policies and pedagogical practices.

Image for Jen