The LTA Affiliates initiative recognises, values and supports the contribution of colleagues from across TU Dublin  to learning, teaching and assessment activities. 

Group of TU Dublin academic staff with Professor Brian Bowe

The LTA team have always relied on support and contributions from colleagues from across TU Dublin and this initiative makes those contributions visible, and provides a new avenue for academic colleagues to share and disseminate best teaching, learning and assessment practice. A call for LTA Affiliates for 2023-24 issued in June 2023. Colleagues who responded are listed below (and some are pictured above with Professor Brian Bowe, Head of Academic Affairs, at the LTA Affiliates launch on 7 September 2023). We look forward to working together over the academic year.
LTA Affiliates 2023 logo

The LTA Affiliates for academic year 2023/24 in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are: 

Gerry Colreavy, Valerie Connor, MaryAnn Kenny, Pilar Molina, Ziene Mottiar and Keith Murphy.

The LTA Affiliates for academic year 2023/24 in the Faculty of Business are: 

Valerie Gannon, Marian Jennings, Thomas Kane, Caoimhe Kiernan, Alice Luby and Cormac McMahon.

The LTA Affiliates for academic year 2023/24 in the Faculty of Computing, Digital and Data are: 

Bryan Duggan, Roisin Faherty, Damian Gordon, Kyle Goslin, Geraldine Gray, Karen Nolan, Amanda O'Farrell, Keith Quille, Mariana Rocha and Art Sloan. 

The LTA Affiliates for academic year 2023/24 in the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment are: 

Eric Bates, Paula Kelly, Janet McKennedy, Peter Monahan, Michael O'Connor, David O'Mahony and Lejla Rovcanin. 

The LTA Affiliates for academic year 2023/24 in the Faculty of Sciences and Health are: 

John S. Butler, Laura Cleary-Keogh, Darvree Downey, Julie Dunne, Adrienne Fleming, Leanne Harris, Natalie Hopkins, Roman Jurasik, Claire McDonnell, Sarah Rawe and Paul Robinson. 

The LTA Affiliates for academic year 2023/24 from TU Dublin Professional Services are: 

Rachael Agnew and Michael Noonan.