Semester 2 Examinations

Published: 25 Apr, 2022

Semester 2 Examinations

Semester 2 Examinations will commence on 9th May 2022.

Please note the following important information:

Exam timetables are available at - please check these close to the time of the exams in case of any changes.

Student ID Cards

All students must bring their Student ID Card to every examination. If you do not have your ID Card, other forms of photo ID may be accepted.

Face Masks

We recommend that all students wear a face mask for duration of examination to ensure the health and wellbeing of fellow students and invigilators.

Exam Venues

  • Always follow the directions of the Invigilators.
  • Exam halls will be open at least 15 minutes before your exam start time. 
  • We recommend putting on your facemask before approaching the entrance and sanitise your hands at the entrance.
  • Have your Student ID ready to be inspected (you may be asked to briefly remove your mask for this)
  • Proceed directly to your seat.

The following is a summary of key information that you will need to be aware of in relation to your examinations.


If you are unwell before or on the day of your exam or if you are affected by one of the following circumstances, you should NOT attend the assessment and instead, apply for Deferral or Personal Extenuating Circumstances (see below).

  • You should not attend your in-person exam if:
  • You are experiencing COVID like symptoms
  • You are awaiting a COVID 19 test or test result
  • You are COVID-19 positive
  • You are ill (not COVID-related circumstances)


Application Deadline = Start of Exam

  • Deferrals are typically in regard to material not submitted (e.g. exams not sat, CAs not submitted etc.)
  • Deferrals can be applied for up to the start of the exam.
  • Students must supply supporting documentation with their application.
  • Once the exam period starts, students may no longer apply for a deferral– they must complete the online Personal Circumstances Form (PC-1) instead.

Personal Extenuating Circumstances

The purpose of a PC-1 form is to bring to the attention of the Exam Board unforeseen circumstances which have had a significant impact on a student’s ability to sit their exam/submit their assessment.

  • PC-1 forms are typically in regard to material which has been submitted (e.g. exams attempted, CAs submitted etc.), but must also be used once the exam period starts, regardless of whether material has been submitted or not.
  • PC-1s can be submitted from the start of the exam period up to three working days after the end of the exam period.

What can I bring to my exam? 

  • You must bring your Student ID Card, writing implements. We recommend that you bring your own hand sanitizer and drinking water.
  • No Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices. If you attempt to use your mobile phone or other electronic device in the Exam Hall – including having the device turned on – this is a major breach of the Exam Regulations and serious disciplinary action will apply.
  • No unauthorised materials (e.g. books, notes, etc.) are allowed in the Exam Hall. If you are found in possession of unauthorised materials, disciplinary action will apply.
  • Do not remove any TU Dublin examination materials (including the exam paper) from the exam hall.
  • Students not following the guidelines above may be refused entry to exams, may be asked to leave an exam, and/or face disciplinary proceedings. 

What do I do when I have finished my exam?

  • If you finish early, raise your hand for the attention of an invigilator.
  • In all cases, remain seated until you are approached by an invigilator.
  • Place all your exam materials (including unused) in your question paper and hand to an invigilator when instructed to do so.
  • You will be asked to sign in your exam materials by the invigilator

Exam Office Contacts

TU Dublin Exams Offices can be contacted here

Student Support and Wellbeing Services

Student Support and Wellbeing services continue to run and are available to assist with any student issues including and not limited to the following: