students talking in canteen with animated background illustrations

Try our free online mental health platform called SilverCloud. The Silvercloud platform has self-help programmes that range from stress to sleep and has literally helped hundreds of students overcome their issues.

You can sign up for FREE on your phone or laptop anytime and anywhere once you are a TU Dublin student. It’s also confidential which means only you have access to your programme. Please use your TU Dublin email address to log on for free.

SilverCloud uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies that focuses on your strengths and helps build up your coping skills by getting you to try interactive and engaging activities. All you need is one hour per week to log in and start working on the modules.

You can sign up for Silvercloud here: SilverCloud. Making Space For Healthy Minds (

Here are some of the SilverCloud programmes that other students reported that were worthwhile and improved their mental health:

  • If you are constantly feeling shy or self-conscious around others, try Space from Social Anxiety
  • If you are experiencing panic attacks and fears, try Space from Panic
  • If you want to let body image struggles go, why not try Space for Positive Body Image
  • If you are struggling with addictions right now, try Space from Alcohol
  • If you get intrusive thoughts and/or compulsions try Space from OCD
  • If you sleep too little or too much try Space for Sleep
  • If you feel like you worry a lot try Space for Anxiety or Stress
  • If you are feeling low and unmotivated, try Space for Depression

SilverCloud is available 24/7 throughout the year. If you have any questions about the platform, please contact us on